Thursday, September 11, 2008

Changing Male Behavior, Part Two

I promised (in Part One of this posting) to give some radical changes in male behavior that are eminently achievable through wife worship, whether that worship be initiated by ardent husband or demanding wife. So here, courtesy of Lady Misato’s Real Women Don’t Do Housework, we go:
According to this wife, “I freely ask my husband to do things like clear the dishes, mop the floor, iron the clothes... I don't give it a second thought. My husband obeys without question always. A few days ago, I was pleased to have overheard his conversation with one of my lady friends after we had dinner at home. She asked if he always does all this work around the house (washing, clearing the dishes, etc.). He replied that he does and enjoys doing it. When she asked why? He said it was because I wanted him to and that it made me happy. And the look on my friend's face turned from amusement to genuine amazement.”

A husband confesses: “I do most of the housework now. I don't consider this a chore but a pleasure. I owe her so much and love her so much that I enjoy doing everything I can. Her sensual hold on me is very real and while sometimes I have trouble distinguishing what is caused by my love for her and what is more guided by my sexual drive towards her, the end result is the same: I listen, respond, obey, and love every minute of it.”

Some wives work these changes without benefit of my book, or Lady Misato’s, or any website, just by instinct, like the wife of Au876, a worshipful husband often quoted here:

“I am not real sure how our marriage evolved into Wife Worship. It started out with me as the King of my castle though I strived to make sure she had her say. [But] when I started doing more of ‘my share’ of the chores, I found she was very appreciative. She not only rewarded me, she began to encourage me. Today I not only do all the housework and cooking, I perform many personal chores for her and am always seeking more ways to please her. I truly worship her and have eyes for no other woman.”

Au writes that, before this transformation, “I had the same shopping problems [as most guys]. Mostly shopping is just not a ‘man’ thing. We know what we want, go get it and get out. But that has changed now. I go with my wife (if invited—sometimes she likes to go alone). I carry the packages. The last time she went clothes shopping about two months ago, she got a bunch of clothes to try on. They only allowed two things in the dressing room at a time. I stood outside her dressing cubicle. She'd try on something, send me to get a different size or color, put it in the ‘to buy’ stack or back on the rack. Several times she sent me to get a certain color shoe to see how the dress went with them. Several other customers were struggling with trying on clothes without the help of their husbands. I found myself busting with pride to be so much help to my wife.”

What technique did Mrs. Au876 utilize? Did it involve controlling his sexual release? You darned betcha:

“She controls my sex life. After less than a week of no sex she can touch me and I am an instant total erection. After about ten days she can look at me and have me trembling with desire, a forbidden desire I know she controls. I throb for her, my face, my whole body ache for her. But I am denied release simply because she controls me. How do I stand it? I worship and adore her all the more as I focus on pleasing her. It is my duty. And I am no longer bored with it. I get excited washing dishes, washing her underwear, rubbing her feet or running her errands. Somebody recently wrote me in this forum saying my wife had me by the balls. I guess she does. But I know what she expects of me and I do it or at least I try too.”

Pretty dramatic changes—not in male nature, but male behavior. I’m not in Au876’s league, nor does my wife desire to emulate Au’s wife. But if I were to jot down all the positive changes in attitude and performance that have been worked in recent years, it would make an impressive list.

And I’m not through yet, nor is she. Work on the unfinished husband project continues.


  1. This was a brilliant post on an important topic. Changing male behavior is exactly what FLR is all about. It is a Woman’s right to change her hubby for the sake of her own happiness and for his. A Bride becomes an artist who molds her hubby into a loving, obedient and well domesticated boy who devotes himself to his Wife. He will find true happiness and fulfillment in being so molded by her skilled hands and pride in becoming her prized possession.

  2. As She is IS fantasy, it's only sensible for him to do as she wishes to fulfill hers.

  3. Thank you both for the supportive comments. It is difficult for me to conjure up the person I was when we married, so much has she altered who I am, without really trying. I mean, the changes have simply been worked on me, I think, through the force of her own personality and superior judgment and resolve. I do remember quarreling with her, early on, and taking stands on this and that, invariably caving and apologizing and doing exactly as she had originally proposed.

  4. i am in a flr and we didnt do anything really to make it that way it just became that. my wife and i both have degrees and are medical professionals, but she is clearly the head of our household. she has the final say in all financial issues, social events, and sex. i have told her many many times that i worship her. i do all housework and cooking and am always giving her massages and surprising her with things to show my love for her. during sex we both know she is in complete control of me. she doesnt have to tell me how she needs it but she knows very well that i am at her command to worship and please her in any way that she sees fit during sex and i am rewarded with her being satisfied. she was a bit taken aback a few years ago when i told her that i considered her the dominant one in our relationship, but has since come to embrace it. no she does not humiliate me in any way nor does she abuse her power (which is immensely vast) she lets me do my own thing which she knows will result in her pleasure. the best and easiest rule to follow in marriage is this: keep your wife happy and you will be happy.

  5. Anonymous, Beautifully stated. You are a blessedly lucky man!
