Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Farewell Repost: WORSHIPPING YOUR WIFE: 750-Word Digest Version

(Note From Mark Remond: After four-plus years of blogging on the challenges and rewards of wife worship, and another four years of working with a wide range of guest-bloggers, many with views quite different from mine (and to all of whom I am deeply grateful), I have decided to suspend new publication here in favor of other projects that have now caught my fancy. My intention is to leave the WYW archive intact as a resource.)

For those who, for whatever unaccountable reason, have not yet read the book, Worshipping Your Wife, here is a 750-word Readers Digest or Cliff Notes version:

WORSHIPPING YOUR WIFE: Six Steps for Turning Marriage Back Into Passionate Courtship

“Boyfriends need to understand that if women are worshipped, the world will be a better place.”
—Nicole Kidman

“If you want your wife to be a Goddess, worship her.”
—Clairette de Longvilliers

“The thrill is gone.”

It’s the lament of so many married couples. Husbands and wives drift apart, physically and emotionally, or maintain alliances of custom and convenience, keepers of a flickering flame.

Love has its seasons, as John Gray reminds us in Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. It's folly to expect eternal springtime, perpetual romance.

But what if it's not necessarily true? What if love can be rekindled, even the all-consuming passion of first love? And not rekindled briefly, for just a season, but “ever after,” creating that fairytale future couples dream about when saying their vows?

That’s the extravagant claim of Worshipping Your Wife: Six Steps for Turning Marriage Back Into Passionate Courtship. Yes, courtship—because that’s when guys and girls find each other most mysterious and magnetic.

Here's the entire six-step program in a nutshell—nominally addressed to husbands, but most effective when hand-delivered by their wives (or girlfriends), with salty or salient passages underlined.

The husband needs to:

Step 1: Realize that "the thrill is gone" and that he wants to get it back

A man will do anything to win the woman of his dreams. Should he lose her, he will do anything to win her back. Why, then, is he not willing to do anything, on a daily basis, to keep her contented? Because husbands don't perceive that a wife can be lost if never again wooed or won, that marriage is also a crisis, deserving of extreme efforts.

Step 2: Save his sex energies for his wife

The dirty little secret is that passion doesn't ebb, magic doesn't vanish—not for most husbands anyway. Their fantasy life continues unabated, only focused away from their wives. With visual erotica a mouseclick away, too many husbands, while technically faithful, yield to imaginary infidelity. And, at the risk of sounding Victorian, chronic masturbation, solo and secretive, can rob a marriage of its binding energies.

Step 3: Make her his fantasy

The solution is for the husband to make his wife the centerfold of his inflamed imagination, as she was during courtship. When a husband begins treating her with that same homage, the deadening scales of familiarity will dissolve and he will see her restored to full, feminine mystery and radiance.

Step 4: Court her every day, attempt to win her anew

Let the dragon-slaying, and sonnet-making, and gift-giving continue. Also: In courtship, the man proclaims his romantic ever-readiness, but the woman decides when (or if) sex will happen. It is a wonderfully workable formula, attuned to the dynamics of male and female sexuality. Let the man be hopeful all day long, striving to earn or seduce ultimate favors. Let the wife initiate and announce the main event ("Gentlemen, start your engines!"). Sex will be better and hotter for both--and more frequent.

Step 5: Pamper her and pitch in around the house

Is it unmanly to pamper your wife? Is it insulting, or infantilizing to open doors for her when she's perfectly capable herself? Should a husband stick to gender-specific chores--washing the car, hauling out the garbage? The courtship model makes quick work of such debates: You can't do enough for her! And, in today's
two-income marriages, the woman ought not be expected to tie on the apron the minute she parks her briefcase. Let her log a few after-work hours in the La-Z-Boy (with a magazine and a Merlot). It may pay erotic dividends later that night.

Step 6: Dare to be known by her

Most men aren't comfortable discussing intimate or emotional issues--even sexual fantasies. But the more a marriage returns to the courtship model, the more a husband's thoughts—and fantasies--turn to his wife during the day, the more he will have to share with her at night (or other private times). Opening up to her will serve to strengthen emotional and sexual bonding--and preclude any temptation for a "misunderstood" husband to unburden himself to another woman.

Summing up

“To me it’s pretty simple,” began a memorable post I found in a wife-worshipping message board. “It’s all about doing what I can do to make my wife happy. Because when she’s happy, I’m happy. It doesn’t take much once you get the hang of it. Every single day I just pretend we are dating and I try to win her heart.”



  1. I've been following the WYW blog nearly since its inception.
    I devoured the book.
    The principles found therein gave me the courage to confess my submissive nature and submissive desires to my wife.
    She was, and remains, pleased with her "new" husband.
    That was six years ago.
    I don't think I would be exaggerating to say that Mark's message change my marriage and my life for the better.
    I will always be grateful that he took the time to espouse this beautiful philosophy.

  2. Very sad that one more Femdom blog will be closed. The good ones can be counted on one hand. There is a new Femdom porn site or porn blog every hour and still very few blogs that are not pornographic and are about the lifestyle (especially where Women contribute). If anone knows another one please let us all know because of the about 7 billion people on Earth there aren't 10 or 20 blogs like this, especially since no matter what they all just close at some point. It's sad.

    You'll be missed. By Femdom enthusiasts and those who never became because they didn't find enough blogs or places to be. In 2030 the world will look however we make it for the next 15 years. You'll be missed.

  3. I would like to think that this blog in no small way has given hope to dominant Women and submissive men alike. It has been an absolute breath of fresh air and I thank you profusely for all your hard work.


  4. I know I speak for all of us in a WLM or FLR that we will miss this blog. One of the best , if not the best blog on femdom. You gave us many good years of ideas and stories, thank you!

  5. I, too, am sorry to read this, Mark. You are a great spokesman and advocate for the cause. You have a loyal following, and always will. Thank you for your efforts and energy in producing this blog.


  6. I'm deeply appreciative of the comments so far, starting with the one from my mentor in Wife Worship, the sagacious Fumika Misato, and then from several who have become e-migos over the years. Thank you all. I did give it my best shot over many years, beginning the book years before the blog, and it didn't feel right to continue since I was no longer giving it my best. If I have more to offer, I certainly will.

    Again, thank you all. I still believe wholeheartedly in Female Led Relationships, Loving Female Authority and Wife Led Marriages. It has been an exciting time to watch the progress we have made in this area, and to have been a small part of it.

  7. Not much more to add as it has all been said above. I strongly agree that this blog has been very insightful to all interested in FLR. I wish you well in your new ventures and if they do include FEMDOM, I am sure we all will like to know and have a chance to view

  8. I hate to see the demise of this blog. It has been a source of inspiration to me as I continue in my journey of accepting my wonderful wife's lead in my life, marriage and family...

  9. Sorry to see you go Mark, your blog was the inspiration for me to come out as a submissive to my wife and make ours a female led relationship. We have never been happier and for that I thank you.
    Best of luck in your future endeavors.

  10. ChefEPL and others, Thank you so much for the feedback. Nothing makes me prouder than to think of the marriages my books and blog may have fortified, through the ongoing miracle of perpetual courtship and wife worship. It saved my marriage, I will tell you; why not others?

    I'm leaving the blog intact, and will probably occasionally post Tweets pointing to various posts, at least.

    I have done other writing that I may have been prouder of at the time, and certainly that earned me more shekels, but in the end, I suspect this may be the most valuable scribbling I have done! Thanks again.

  11. Fare Thee Well, and thanks for all the great posts...


  12. It truly saddens me you are leaving just as im following you now, but I understand real life always comes into play. I wish you success in your new endeavors and much happiness. I was finally able to express my thoughts to others in this blog and that's a start for me being new to the FLR..

    All the best Mark

  13. i just had a wonderful experience. Wife said to rub Her Feet. i got excited and sat down on the bed and started rubbing Her Royal Feet. while sitting on the bed i thought "this doesn't feel right as i should be on my knees rubbing a Goddesses Feet. She is so beautiful. i was on my knees rubbing Her Feet for quite a while. when She fell to sleep i rose to get Her wine glass to wash. i love serving the Master of me. i worship Her religiously and acknowledge Her Superiority. She woke up and yelled downstairs to me "you need to do this again" i said i will do it every night until You tell me to stop.

  14. Anonymous (just above),

    Thank you for sharing that wonderful progress report/success story. You are off and running! Don't look back! And I suspect your wife will soon be demanding even more worship and adoring service.

  15. you are right. She said that i needed to rub Her Feet again and i jumped to it immediately. She was surprised that i gave up the fun game i was playing and i said i much more enjoy rubbing Your Feet. She allowed me to do so so i got on my knees and rubbed the Lord of me's Feet. At one point She was so kind and asked me if i was getting tired. i said my tiredness is not important as pleasing the Queen. She kind of smiled. my knees were sore but the soreness aroused me as i knew the soreness was from pleasing the Queen. i trembled at one point while rubbing Her Feet. She is God.

  16. Thank you so much for all your work over the years, Mark. Your writing is informative, insightful, and inspiring. I have very much enjoyed your blog. I'm going to leave it bookmarked, so I can still go back and absorb more of the wisdom from you and your guest bloggers.

    Best wishes in all your endeavors.


  17. "in favor of other projects that have now caught my fancy."

    Please, Mark, what other projects? New Book? And what caught your fancy??? Please

  18. I appreciate the kind words. As for other projects, right now I'm taking off for a few weeks to travel a bit, and will respond to that question later... in this space.

  19. Mark, I wish to express my great appreciation for all that you have done in advancing understanding and appreciation of the FLR relationship. There is no one else quite like you and we are all in your debt. Glad to know that you will keep us informed of your future projects. Thank you and the best of luck in all your new endeavors.

  20. Mr. Lynn, Thanks for the kind words, they mean a lot!

  21. please recommend some blogs similar to this one, which advocate FLRs and the idea of female superiority in general. Thank you

  22. Dear Mark

    I haven't visited WYW for sometime (too busy being of service to Head of the Household) so I was very shocked to find you have retired so to speak.

    I would like just like to thank you so much for all the inspiration WYW has given me over the years. You and your fellow writers have helped me immensely in my understanding of all things FLR and have helped improve my marriage and service immeasurably.

    Wishing you all the very best in your new endeavors; and a very big thank you to your wife for sparing you over all these years.

    Kind regards


  23. Please come back

  24. my Queen asked me to dust and clean the bathroom this morning as Her family is stopping over tonight. i look at this request as a Command and will gladly obey Her. i am excited to do this work for Her and am Honored to serve Her. on my knees always serving the Superior Queen wife.

  25. Im sure that im not the only one that misses your blog. I hope that one day you re-start it. Thank you for posting so many great posts
