in female led marriages often feel that once they have an obedient hubby who
does the housework, it’s game over. Well, ladies, it’s not! You have rules that
he follows at home, and certainly these rules should apply everywhere, whether
you or another female authority figure is around or not.
what does he really do when he’s not at home? When he’s at work? When he’s on a
business trip? Do you know? Well, you should, because you don’t want all your
good work in training him to be undone by outside influences. Men, even the
best of them, even those most committed to female leadership, can and will
stray. Patriarchy is a strong force, and there are many men and – unfortunately
– even a few women, who want to undo female leadership.
what can we do? Well, your man has to understand that any rules you make at
home apply everywhere! For example, in Dennis’ case, he knows that:
- his 9 p.m. curfew applies when he’s away just like it does at home
- he has the same spending limits and has to ask permission to exceed them
- he is expected to be courteous and deferential to women
- he’s allowed to be out for no more than two hours and then only with permission
- he has to call in regularly

and Consequences – Rules that we have apply wherever he goes, but I may have
other requirements for special situations. The consequences for violating a
rule away from home are harsh.
Plans – Dennis is required to provide a detailed itinerary for his business
travel, including hotel and business phone numbers. I want to be able to reach
Phone – He has a cell phone, and it’s a rule that when mother or I call, he has
to excuse himself from the meeting and take our call; we are his priority, and
his boss, Carol, understands this.
Curfew – I
impose a 9 p.m. curfew on Dennis. Other women set different times, but no curfew for
a husband should be later than 9:30.
His being out longer invites overspending and over-indulging. Dennis has to be
in by 9 unless there are special circumstances like a business dinner. He’s
allowed out for this, but has to call as soon as he’s back in his room. Kathy
suggested that women call their man in his hotel room, not on his cell phone,
to make sure he’s where he’s supposed to be. I’d add that women may want to
call hubby again, a little later, to make sure he hasn’t gone out again. Yes,
it has happened.
His Desk – Dennis is required to be at his desk over lunch whether away or at
Mother or I often call to make sure that he is. When he travels, I’ll
often call his office and request to speak with him; call a cell phone and he
can answer anywhere; call the office and you know where he is!
– I review Dennis’ expense account and corporate credit card. Any monies owed
Dennis from his expense report – mileage reimbursement for travel to and from
the airport, for example – are to be deposited into our account, from which I
can transfer them. He also has to submit a list of any personal expenses with
receipts. A man with money is likely to spend it frivolously; he won’t if he
knows you’ll be checking!
Informed – A woman needs to keep informed about her man’s activities. Men are
subject to a great deal of peer pressure and bad influence that even the best
of men need help resisting. If he knows you’re watching, he’s more likely to
behave correctly. Here are some suggestions from a recent meeting we had with
women in female-led relationships:
– Know what he’s doing when he’s away from home, whether locally or on a
business trip, by establishing a network of contacts. One woman made friends
with a few women in her man’s office, women who can observe what’s going on and
let her know. She often knows what’s happening
before her husband does, and if he deviates in his behavior, her network will let her
says that setting up such a network is easy, and that all women should have
one. By attending company functions she met people and formed a fairly
extensive network that she can count on to keep her informed about what’s
happening and to ensure her husband is complying with her rules. She’s helped
by her network and in turn helps the women in her network. Her network includes
secretaries, the wives of her husband’s co-workers, and, yes, even other men.
Dennis is only too happy to help women keep control and put men in their place.
There are a lot of men who hate patriarchy and want to see women prevail.

who to ask – Use your network to get to know your man’s boss. Once you do, you
can make requests of them – for example, to reduce your man’s travel. I’m
friends with Dennis’s boss, Carol. Carol understands the dynamics of a
female-led relationship as she is in one, too. She never asks Dennis to go on
an out-of-town trip without my permission and often calls me directly to ask.
Carol and I support each other by loaning out our husbands when either of them
is out of town. I can count on Dave making a cleaning visit when Dennis is out
of town, and Carol can count on the same from my man. It works!
other suggestions to keep control of things:
your husband to pack his lunch and eat at his desk. Call him at his desk phone
over lunch to make sure he’s there. This saves money and eliminates
opportunities for your man to misbehave.

a full itinerary from your man when he’s traveling. Know where he’s at and what
he’s doing. Check in with him frequently. If he knows he’s being watched – even
from afar – he’ll behave.

woman insists her husband provide her with a daily itinerary that she changes
as she sees fit. She insists he call her to seek approval if there is any
deviation from his plan.
him ask for permission whenever he leaves the house, no matter the reason.
Limit his time away to no more than two hours. Anymore than this and he could
be spending too much money and wasting time.
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